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Helping Parent Program

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The Helping Parent program offers emotional support, community resources, peer mentorship, social connections through FUN family events, assistance in navigating complex health systems, educational opportunities and guidance to parents/caregivers raising children with disabilities.  Raising a child can be complex, isolating and overwhelming.  As the connection for families caring for a loved one with a disability in our region, South Sound Parent to Parent is ready to lend support! 

Our goal is to increase family strengths, enhance child development and ensure that families develop the resiliency to rebound from adversity and feel empowered and supported. The Helping Parent program is for families caring for a loved one with a disability from birth through their lifespan who live in Thurston, Mason, and Kitsap Counties.

Whether you are looking to have a mentor to help you on occasion or to become a mentor for others - we don't want you to feel like you are alone!  We can help to match you up with someone who has similar situations, and to create social support network!

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Monthly support groups for Moms and Dads with children with special needs who are interested to learn or share experiences with others. These support groups are a great way to meet others who can lend peer support and guidance. 


We host a number of events for all ages throughout the year.  Whether it is a drive-thru event; resource fairs, Harvest Fest, or hosted events on Zoom; game night, magic show or many others, keep on the lookout to stay connected!


We offer a number of educational trainings and opportunities throughout the year and also partner with other agencies within the community to keep you as updated with things such as Behavioral Issues, IEP support, DDA Town Halls, navigating SSI and much more.


Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. Sipshops are offered in Kitsap, Mason, and Thurston Counties. Our Mason County Sibshops is bilingual.


We understand how important it is to find the support and resources that you need. You can find  comprehensive resource directories for all the communities we serve. Please connect with us if you would like to add a program and/or service to the directory.



Grays Harbor County

418 E First St 207 A&B 

Aberdeen, WA 98520

T: 360.637.8586

F: 360.352.0761 

Mason County

2505 Olympic Hwy N. #140 & #150 

Shelton, WA  98584

T: 360.462.0383

T: 360.462.0362 (Espanol)

F: 360.352.0761 

Thurston County

2108 Caton Way SW

Olympia, WA  98502

T: 360.352.1126 (Main)

T: 360.742.3061 (Diverse Abilities Autism Program)

F: 360.352.0761 

Kitsap County

T: 360.282.2603

F: 360.352.0761 

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© 2023 Parent to Parent Support Program of Thurston County DBA: South Sound Parent to Parent/Tax id#: 91-1496512
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